Kitten's Korner

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Before each quiz in my US History class, we play a review game where six teams rotate members to answer a multiple choice question. Each question is worth so many points. The person writes their answer on a piece of paper, and if they get it right, that many points are added to their teams score. One of the girls in my class, Ashley, was up and happened to get her question right. This made her very happy. In her excitement she exclaimed, "I didn't even cheat this time!!" Way to go, Ashley.

Speech competitions are tomorrow! Wish me luck!


  • At 17/11/05 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I want everyone to know that you made HONOR ROLL!!!
    Way to go Sweetie and I know you didn't cheat either.

  • At 17/11/05 7:37 PM, Blogger Jamie Dawn said…

    Go get 'em tomorrow in the speech competition!
    Don't ever become a cheater like Ashley. Lazy people don't have much success in life.

  • At 18/11/05 10:16 AM, Blogger katiescarlet said…

    well, you are probably done with the competition by now, I hope you did great and that you had fun! God bless.

  • At 23/11/05 2:07 PM, Blogger katiescarlet said…

    so, we need a post saying how the speech competition went!

  • At 23/11/05 11:52 PM, Blogger Courtney said…

    Luck has been wished.


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