Lost in Lost
Okay, I admit it. I'm obsessed with Lost. It's by far the greatest thing to hit public television. I'd talk about it all the time, but I can't find someone as into it as I am and I don't want to get on anyone's nerves.
For those of you who don't know what Lost is, I'll pray for you. In the mean time, here's a basic overview.
A plane headed from Sydney to Los Angeles crashes on a remote island over one thousand miles off course. There are only 47 survivors. A small band of them become the 'leaders', or at least, they are the ones the show centers around. Soon they find out that they are not alone on the island. Not only are there more people, but there is...something out there. Some giant monster that no one ever sees, they never stick around long enough to find out, and if they do, they are killed and mutilated, like the pilot in the first episode of season one.
It's a great show. If you haven't seen it before, watch it. The new season starts this Wednesday (the 21st) at 8 central time. If you don't want to start without seeing the whole thing, buy it on DVD. If you don't want to pay the fifty dollars, rent it. That's what my dad did. It was so funny. He rented the first disk over Blockbuster Online, and he and mom watched it after my brothers and I went to bed. "Don't tell Kitten we got this," Mom said. "She'll flip."
The next night, I went to put a C.D. in the DVD player. I opened it up and froze. There it was. "Lost. Season one. Disk one." In Mom's words, I flipped.
Last night, Mom and I were discussing possibilities of what the monster on the island could be. On the first episode, when they first see trees being knocked down in the forest from the beach and hear an animal-like sound (the monster's first appearance) one guy says that the sound reminds him of something he heard in the Bronx. Mom thinks that that could be a clue. I started thinking, 'How could the monster be connected to New York?' and then it hit me. A mutant subway train!! It came to life by some crazy experiment and ate everybody. That's why there's no civilizations on the island. And the tunnel that they found at the end of the season that leads underground? It's the entrance way to it's subway tunnel!
Another weird twist is six numbers that keep showing up on the show: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. They're everywhere! One the first episode, when the pilot asks how long its been since they crashed, Jack says it's been 16 hours. The distress signal that the group picked up has been playing for 16 years. These six numbers are the numbers seen on the jerseys of a girls soccer team at the airport. They were the numbers that Hurley put on his lottery ticket.
And, on a final note, including the day that I write this entry, I will be 15 in 23 days. Coincidence? I think not! BWAHAHAHA!
For those of you who don't know what Lost is, I'll pray for you. In the mean time, here's a basic overview.
A plane headed from Sydney to Los Angeles crashes on a remote island over one thousand miles off course. There are only 47 survivors. A small band of them become the 'leaders', or at least, they are the ones the show centers around. Soon they find out that they are not alone on the island. Not only are there more people, but there is...something out there. Some giant monster that no one ever sees, they never stick around long enough to find out, and if they do, they are killed and mutilated, like the pilot in the first episode of season one.
It's a great show. If you haven't seen it before, watch it. The new season starts this Wednesday (the 21st) at 8 central time. If you don't want to start without seeing the whole thing, buy it on DVD. If you don't want to pay the fifty dollars, rent it. That's what my dad did. It was so funny. He rented the first disk over Blockbuster Online, and he and mom watched it after my brothers and I went to bed. "Don't tell Kitten we got this," Mom said. "She'll flip."
The next night, I went to put a C.D. in the DVD player. I opened it up and froze. There it was. "Lost. Season one. Disk one." In Mom's words, I flipped.
Last night, Mom and I were discussing possibilities of what the monster on the island could be. On the first episode, when they first see trees being knocked down in the forest from the beach and hear an animal-like sound (the monster's first appearance) one guy says that the sound reminds him of something he heard in the Bronx. Mom thinks that that could be a clue. I started thinking, 'How could the monster be connected to New York?' and then it hit me. A mutant subway train!! It came to life by some crazy experiment and ate everybody. That's why there's no civilizations on the island. And the tunnel that they found at the end of the season that leads underground? It's the entrance way to it's subway tunnel!
Another weird twist is six numbers that keep showing up on the show: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. They're everywhere! One the first episode, when the pilot asks how long its been since they crashed, Jack says it's been 16 hours. The distress signal that the group picked up has been playing for 16 years. These six numbers are the numbers seen on the jerseys of a girls soccer team at the airport. They were the numbers that Hurley put on his lottery ticket.
And, on a final note, including the day that I write this entry, I will be 15 in 23 days. Coincidence? I think not! BWAHAHAHA!
At 18/9/05 4:41 PM,
Milton said…
huh? What does this have to do with Christianity? don't you think this is a bit much?
At 19/9/05 10:05 AM,
Will said…
Milton---yes. It is a bit much. That's the point. I guess my daughter's silliness doesn't translate well on her blog. She's being goofy.
Personally, I thought the Bwahahahah at the end would have given it away. But there you go.
The distressing thing I saw was that my daughter thinks ABC is a public television station. Is that because we've never really subscribed to cable. I feel like I've failed her somehow.
And yes, I'm being silly now. She had to get it from somewhere.
At 19/9/05 11:45 AM,
katiescarlet said…
i found this quote in a yahoo link on how tv networks are trying to get people to watch their shows. I thought you might find it interesting. I read it a few hours after I read your post. I have not joined in the lost band wagon. But Cordelia has!!!!!!!! She loves it.
To spark interest in the mysterious, trapped-on-an-island drama "Lost," ABC arranged for tiny bottles to wash ashore on beaches. Inside was a message: "Lost" could be "found" on Wednesdays.
At 11/10/05 2:27 PM,
katiescarlet said…
I just checked your Dad's site and saw about your suprise party! It sounds like you had a great time. I am glad! Hugs!
Love KS
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