Pizza and a Potty
A few days ago was my friend BJ's birthday party at Pizza Hut. We were all having a lot of fun, and then we sang happy birthday to him at the top of our lungs so that the whole restaurant could hear us. He didn't enjoy that much. (hee hee)
We've been trying to potty train my youngest brother Bear the past few days. The first day, I was recruited to go to the library and check out all the books/movies on potty training that I could find. I got a bunch of books and one Bear in the Big Blue House video. We had him sit on the potty chair all day (the chair was in the kitchen so he could be with everyone and watch movies on Dads computer) and didn't give him pants to encourage him to go in the potty. He refused to do anything unless something was around him. He's so tired of the darned thing now that he won't even go into the bathroom anymore. Mom's beginning to get frustrated. Bear was watching the movie I got, and mom walked into the room chanting, "Do what the bear says."
Today was the first day of high school. It went kinda like this:
Welcoming assembly, stress, stress, stress, Speech Intrerp, lunch, stress, stress, stress.
Well, maybe not that bad. I did get lost four times before my first class due to being new to the building and misreading my schedule three times. My Sophomore friend, Thorn, introduced me to two of her friends in Speech class: Jack and Jess. Jack was clad entirely in black, was wearing dog tags (real dog tags. Like, the ones dogs wear) and had purple hair. Jess had a white shirt and blond hair pulled back into a pony tail. Jack had a box of Milk Bones (you know, dog biscuits) in front of him on his desk (we're allowed to have food and stuff in there). Before class began, Jess reached into the box, pulled out a treat, and commanded Jack to sit. Very obediently, he leapt from his seat and sat, dog style, in front of her desk.
"Lay down, Jack."
He did.
"Roll over."
He did.
"Good boy."
She placed the dog into his open mouth and he ate it.
Ewwwwwwwwww! I told him that was gross, but Jess replied that they were more nutritious than the school lunch. I told Jack that it would give him dog breath. He pointed to a label on the box that proclaimed that the biscuits made breath smell better. Fine, so he'd have good dog breath. It's still dog breath.
He put the box away and took it out later at lunch. That's all he ate, except for my pretzels, which I gave to him because I couldn't finish them.
High Schoolers are soooo weird. I suppose I'll get used to it though.
Jack let me look through his notebook during lunch, and he is an AMAZING artist. His book is full of awesome, manga style drawings. They look like professional stuff. Maybe I've finally found someone to illustrate my manga scripts. That should be fun. I just hope he'll agree. I feel like a child compared to all the upper classmen, but I suppose all Freshmen feel that way. I'm expecting my high school life to be great, so I'm just going to have to get over that.
We've been trying to potty train my youngest brother Bear the past few days. The first day, I was recruited to go to the library and check out all the books/movies on potty training that I could find. I got a bunch of books and one Bear in the Big Blue House video. We had him sit on the potty chair all day (the chair was in the kitchen so he could be with everyone and watch movies on Dads computer) and didn't give him pants to encourage him to go in the potty. He refused to do anything unless something was around him. He's so tired of the darned thing now that he won't even go into the bathroom anymore. Mom's beginning to get frustrated. Bear was watching the movie I got, and mom walked into the room chanting, "Do what the bear says."
Today was the first day of high school. It went kinda like this:
Welcoming assembly, stress, stress, stress, Speech Intrerp, lunch, stress, stress, stress.
Well, maybe not that bad. I did get lost four times before my first class due to being new to the building and misreading my schedule three times. My Sophomore friend, Thorn, introduced me to two of her friends in Speech class: Jack and Jess. Jack was clad entirely in black, was wearing dog tags (real dog tags. Like, the ones dogs wear) and had purple hair. Jess had a white shirt and blond hair pulled back into a pony tail. Jack had a box of Milk Bones (you know, dog biscuits) in front of him on his desk (we're allowed to have food and stuff in there). Before class began, Jess reached into the box, pulled out a treat, and commanded Jack to sit. Very obediently, he leapt from his seat and sat, dog style, in front of her desk.
"Lay down, Jack."
He did.
"Roll over."
He did.
"Good boy."
She placed the dog into his open mouth and he ate it.
Ewwwwwwwwww! I told him that was gross, but Jess replied that they were more nutritious than the school lunch. I told Jack that it would give him dog breath. He pointed to a label on the box that proclaimed that the biscuits made breath smell better. Fine, so he'd have good dog breath. It's still dog breath.
He put the box away and took it out later at lunch. That's all he ate, except for my pretzels, which I gave to him because I couldn't finish them.
High Schoolers are soooo weird. I suppose I'll get used to it though.
Jack let me look through his notebook during lunch, and he is an AMAZING artist. His book is full of awesome, manga style drawings. They look like professional stuff. Maybe I've finally found someone to illustrate my manga scripts. That should be fun. I just hope he'll agree. I feel like a child compared to all the upper classmen, but I suppose all Freshmen feel that way. I'm expecting my high school life to be great, so I'm just going to have to get over that.
At 23/8/05 7:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'M SO EXCITED FOR MY HI-SCHOOL BABY. Enjoy it all. It's the best time of your life. Believe it or not, I still have wonderful memoriesof my high school years.
Good luck on your try-outs. Let me know about the call-backs.
At 2/9/05 11:20 AM,
Courtney said…
All I can say is... Have Fun!
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