The Moon
Well, here I am. Back home. My rollercoaster-less...beach-less...home. (bursts into tears) I want to go back to Florida!!!!!!!!!
No, but really, I am glad to be home. Florida was a lot of fun (even though I almost lost my voice from screaming on all the rides) but I missed my family. It was kind of an interesting trip, though. The first day we got there, our bus driver (she said not to call her that because "bus drivers drive cheese busses". We were in a charter bus. I can't remember what she told us to call her, though) informed us that it was, coincidentally, the first day of hurricane season. Everyday we were there except for the day we left it was cloudy and/or raining. I had a fun time, anyway.
Strangely enough, this trip was a huge spiritual stepping-stone for me. The whole trip, my few of my friends were in a fight (it happens so often with me, I've gotten used to it). Anyway, the fight escaladed to horrid heights and deeply hurt everyone involved. During all this, though, I was deep in prayer. I didn't understand what was going on or why it was happening, but I found my trusting God to help me through it. He's doing all this for a reason, and even thought I don't know what it is, I trust Him with everything I am that it's the right thing. He's been so good to me; I have no reason to turn away now.
Something similar to all this happened a year ago, and I got me thinking. Being fascinated by the moon, I often gaze up at it at night. Like many, I love it when it's full, and can't wait for the new moon to pass. Once I really thought about it, I found that that was exactly like life. The full moon is like the good times in our life. The times we want to live forever. As the moon goes through its cycles, different amounts of life and dark enter and leave, just like the good and bad times sometimes mix. Finally, there is the new moon, that time in our lives when everything seems to go wrong. Many people feel like just giving up, as I did last year; however, that is not the right choice. No matter what, no matter how long it takes or what the situation is, the moon always goes back to being full. The darkness may last for days, months, or even years, but the moon always goes back to being full: things always will get better. After the fight with my friends a year ago, we became closer than we had ever been before. The hard stuff seemed to last forever, but, in the end, the wait was worth it.
God promised us that he would never dish out anything that we couldn't handle. Sure it would be hard, but it strengthens us. I am just going to have to hang on and see what happens next. How will this new fight end, I don't know, but whatever it is, I know I can handle it with His help.
No, but really, I am glad to be home. Florida was a lot of fun (even though I almost lost my voice from screaming on all the rides) but I missed my family. It was kind of an interesting trip, though. The first day we got there, our bus driver (she said not to call her that because "bus drivers drive cheese busses". We were in a charter bus. I can't remember what she told us to call her, though) informed us that it was, coincidentally, the first day of hurricane season. Everyday we were there except for the day we left it was cloudy and/or raining. I had a fun time, anyway.
Strangely enough, this trip was a huge spiritual stepping-stone for me. The whole trip, my few of my friends were in a fight (it happens so often with me, I've gotten used to it). Anyway, the fight escaladed to horrid heights and deeply hurt everyone involved. During all this, though, I was deep in prayer. I didn't understand what was going on or why it was happening, but I found my trusting God to help me through it. He's doing all this for a reason, and even thought I don't know what it is, I trust Him with everything I am that it's the right thing. He's been so good to me; I have no reason to turn away now.
Something similar to all this happened a year ago, and I got me thinking. Being fascinated by the moon, I often gaze up at it at night. Like many, I love it when it's full, and can't wait for the new moon to pass. Once I really thought about it, I found that that was exactly like life. The full moon is like the good times in our life. The times we want to live forever. As the moon goes through its cycles, different amounts of life and dark enter and leave, just like the good and bad times sometimes mix. Finally, there is the new moon, that time in our lives when everything seems to go wrong. Many people feel like just giving up, as I did last year; however, that is not the right choice. No matter what, no matter how long it takes or what the situation is, the moon always goes back to being full. The darkness may last for days, months, or even years, but the moon always goes back to being full: things always will get better. After the fight with my friends a year ago, we became closer than we had ever been before. The hard stuff seemed to last forever, but, in the end, the wait was worth it.
God promised us that he would never dish out anything that we couldn't handle. Sure it would be hard, but it strengthens us. I am just going to have to hang on and see what happens next. How will this new fight end, I don't know, but whatever it is, I know I can handle it with His help.
At 10/6/05 4:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Kitten,
I came to your blog from your dad's blog, which I've been reading for a while, and you seem to be every bit as wonderful and amazing as he says in his posts. Lucky dad!
The part in your post about the moon reminded me of a poem by David Whyte called Faith. The phases of the moon are such a great metaphor. Whenever I find myself losing my faith, or am in a barren period creatively, I try to think about the moon, and know that I *will* return to a better place. Anyway, here it is:
I want to write about faith,
about the way the moon rises
over cold snow, night after night
faithful even as it fades from fullness,
slowly becoming that last curving and impossible
sliver of light before the final darkness.
But I have no faith myself
I refuse it the smallest entry.
Let this then, my small poem,
like a new moon, slender and barely open,
be the first prayer that opens me to faith.
~ David Whyte
At 10/6/05 6:04 AM,
Kitten said…
That's a cool a cool poem, Maria. I've never heard it before. Thanks for sharing. ^_^
At 10/6/05 5:57 PM,
Jamie Dawn said…
I think you will enjoy my daughter's blog:
Glad you enjoyed Florida.
At 13/6/05 5:13 PM,
Emily said…
Hey thanks for your nice comment on my blog... I'm enjoying reading yours as well. You seem much wiser than your 14 years! :-) I'll be back by in the future.
At 13/6/05 7:53 PM,
Courtney said…
Hi Kitten! I really enjoy reading your blog. I see that you have linked to me. So I'm going to put a link to yours on my blog. Keep up the good work. :)
At 14/6/05 6:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Like some others, I came her because I read your Dad's site. Lovely analogy with the moon and the dark & light times in our lives. I, too, am drawn to the full moon...I'm going to think of this when I'm gazing at the next one. Glad you had such a good time in Florida.
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