Kitten's Korner

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Aww! How Cute!!

My mom was driving me around today, and we happened to drive by a Burger King. Because of the new Star Wars movie that came out, the Burger Kings all have a big, inflatable Darth Vader on the top. These Vader's, I've noticed, look like a puppy. Normally, when people mess up that badly on an inflatable character, I think, "Why did you even try?" but for some reason, I love this Darth Puppy! It's just so adorable! I want one! Every time I see it, I just can't help but envision a little black dog drop his lightsaber on the ground, look Luke in the eye, and say, "Arf! Luke, I am your father!" Am I the only one who sees this?

Dad and I were talking a while back, and he did something weird. I laughed and said, "You're such a nerd!" In reply, he said, "No, I'm a geek." The difference, you ask? Simple. Geeks have social lives. Nerds usually get stuck living in their mom's basements until they're 30. I always used to get them confused, until Dad taught me an easy way to keep them straight. The "g" in geek stands for "good" because it's good to be a geek, and bad to be a nerd. Now I don't mix them up anymore. Thanks Daddy!!

I've made a change in my carrier choices. Whenever I thought of being a mathematician, I didn't get that spark of excitement like I thought I should. I never thought, "Hey, let's crunch some numbers!" Then Dad brought up that, though I was good at it, I never seemed very ecstatic about math. In truth, I want to be an author, but I'm a realist and know what will pay the bills. The reason I wanted to work at NASA was because I could do it and it was a big paycheck, but I realized that if I get enough rave on my books, I could do that instead. I'd be happier, too. I'm already started a novel that I'm planning on working on all summer. Whether this is the job God has in mind for me or not, I don't know, but it's going to be a lot of fun if it is! ^_^


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