I Have Returned!
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've so busy with school and the play and everything. Speaking of which, it's next weekend. I'm so excited. I'm going to make a short little behind-the-scenes video that I'll probably post on Dad's vlog when he gets that started up so that you can get a little peek into what's going on for me. It's been so much fun, I'm going to cry when it's over. To make it even worse, Reverend Bell, who's come in to play the part of Jim, (the play is Big River-The story of Huck Finn, by the way. Jim is the slave that Huck travels with to set free) is moving half way across the country the day after the last performance. *tear* I'll miss him, but I hope he and his daughter have a great life there.
I've made a bunch of new friends on the stage. Almost everybody there is so nice and fun. I'm just so glad to be a part of all this. It's been a wonderful experience.
Finals are over, the first quarter of school is gone. It's gone by really fast. It seemed to take so much longer in middle school. I'm glad that it's the second quarter now, because I'll be in Intro to Theater first block.
Speech competitions are coming up in November. That's going to be fun. I'm doing a scene from The Boys Next Door for my DI and a persuasive on why we shouldn't stereotype men. Another thing happening in November: My uncle's getting married! I've just got a fun schedule in front of me!
My 15th birthday was a few weeks ago (yeah, I know, I'm old). It was so much fun. I wasn't going to have a birthday party at all, but that really didn't bother me. Homecoming was that weekend, so I just figured that the dance could be my replacement for a party. My Grandma Phyllis came to take me shopping at Gordmans for a birthday present and I got this cute pair of brown corduroys. Anyway, when I get home, a bunch of friends are sitting in my living room, there's a happy birthday sign hanging on the wall, and streamers are hung everywhere! I almost cried, I was so happy. After I opened my gifts (all of them were wonderful, by the way. It wasn't one of those birthday parties where you have to pretend to be happy because the stuff you got is kind of cool, but not what you really wanted. Things I've been wanting forever came to me wrapped in colored paper and bows. One came wrapped in toilet paper, but that's just James for you) everyone started going on saying, "Should we do it now?" "No, let's wait 'till later." "No, we need to do it now." I'm sitting in the corner, very excited of course, thinking, 'What? What do we need to do?' Dad, who decides that now is a good time, comes around the corner with a blue bag that has everyone's name written on the front. Obviously, something that everyone chipped in for. I open the bag and literally tear up. They all chipped in to get me the first season of Lost on DVD. I know that probably doesn't sound fabulous, but to me, it was a wonderful thing knowing that my friends and family loved me that much to all chip in to get something that they thought would make me happy. After this, we all got dressed up and went to the homecoming dance. If you'd like to see pictures, Dad's got them on his blog.
I've written a really long entry. I wouldn't expect another one any time soon, because I've only got time for this because it's currently fall break. But I promise to write again as soon as I can.
Love lots and God bless
I've made a bunch of new friends on the stage. Almost everybody there is so nice and fun. I'm just so glad to be a part of all this. It's been a wonderful experience.
Finals are over, the first quarter of school is gone. It's gone by really fast. It seemed to take so much longer in middle school. I'm glad that it's the second quarter now, because I'll be in Intro to Theater first block.
Speech competitions are coming up in November. That's going to be fun. I'm doing a scene from The Boys Next Door for my DI and a persuasive on why we shouldn't stereotype men. Another thing happening in November: My uncle's getting married! I've just got a fun schedule in front of me!
My 15th birthday was a few weeks ago (yeah, I know, I'm old). It was so much fun. I wasn't going to have a birthday party at all, but that really didn't bother me. Homecoming was that weekend, so I just figured that the dance could be my replacement for a party. My Grandma Phyllis came to take me shopping at Gordmans for a birthday present and I got this cute pair of brown corduroys. Anyway, when I get home, a bunch of friends are sitting in my living room, there's a happy birthday sign hanging on the wall, and streamers are hung everywhere! I almost cried, I was so happy. After I opened my gifts (all of them were wonderful, by the way. It wasn't one of those birthday parties where you have to pretend to be happy because the stuff you got is kind of cool, but not what you really wanted. Things I've been wanting forever came to me wrapped in colored paper and bows. One came wrapped in toilet paper, but that's just James for you) everyone started going on saying, "Should we do it now?" "No, let's wait 'till later." "No, we need to do it now." I'm sitting in the corner, very excited of course, thinking, 'What? What do we need to do?' Dad, who decides that now is a good time, comes around the corner with a blue bag that has everyone's name written on the front. Obviously, something that everyone chipped in for. I open the bag and literally tear up. They all chipped in to get me the first season of Lost on DVD. I know that probably doesn't sound fabulous, but to me, it was a wonderful thing knowing that my friends and family loved me that much to all chip in to get something that they thought would make me happy. After this, we all got dressed up and went to the homecoming dance. If you'd like to see pictures, Dad's got them on his blog.
I've written a really long entry. I wouldn't expect another one any time soon, because I've only got time for this because it's currently fall break. But I promise to write again as soon as I can.
Love lots and God bless
At 20/10/05 7:34 PM,
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At 21/10/05 8:34 AM,
katiescarlet said…
Hi there!! Glad to hear the play is going so well and congrats on the great present--lost video.
Good luck with the play!
God bless
At 24/10/05 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
WELCOME BACK!!! Thank You--Thank You---Thank You!!!
At 30/10/05 4:25 PM,
Kitten said…
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