I'm in an uber good mood today. A few days ago, my G-ma took my brother and I shopping for school stuff. As we were weaving through the aisles of Wal-Mart looking for binders, erasers (which they ended up being sold out of) and so forth, we came to where the notebooks where. The first thing about those notebooks that caught my eye was, of course, the stack PotC notebooks. I dived in and searched for any of the few remaining that had Jack Sparrow on them. At first, it seemed that the only ones left were Will, but at the very bottom was one with only Jack and one with Will and Jack. They were the last of their kind. Needless to say, I own them now. ^_^
After we got our last minute school suplies all piled up in the shopping cart, we went to look for G-ma, who had gone to do her own shopping while we did ours. She said she'd either be in the grocery section or the toy section, so that's where we looked. When she wasn't in the groceries, we searched through the toys. On our way through, I spotted a large collection of PotC toys. I stopped and looked through them, wondering if Jack would be sold out here. He wasn't be the only one they had left didn't come with a hat! How can Cap'n Jack go around without his hat?? (Yeah, I know he did all through the second movie, but that was an extream circumstance) I was about to give up my search when I noticed something above me. It was all the extras that the employies stuff up on the top of the shelves. There appeared to only be two up there, and lo and behold, one of them was Jack with his hat

I put it in the cart, readying myself for a "No", we were spending a lot on school suplies already. But when I asked, she said "Sure! Throw it in!" I

ed her and thanked her and hugged her and kissed her. Happily, we checked out and went home, and I put my brand new Jack doll on my "Shelf of Jack", which I will take a picture of to show everybody once we fix our camera.
And so, with just a little more pirate in my life, I feel as happy as day! Thank's Grandma!
At 20/8/06 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're Welcome, MY ANGEL. I wouldn't intentionally disappoint you for anything in the world.
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