Teddy Bear Comfort
My mom was being driven crazy by being stuck in the house, so my dad took her out to a movie. Thus, I was stuck at home babysitting the boys. I stuck in a video for them to watch, the second Harry Potter movie, and gave them all some popcorn. After the movie ended, Lemur got in the shower and I turned my attentions to the youngest brother, who really needed to go to bed. It took me an entire hour to get that kid to go to sleep! He would get to the point where he was just about to fall asleep and he would jump up and say something in order to stay awake. Finally, I was able to coax him to lay still when I explained that his teddy bear was tired and wanted Bear to lay with him. When he was holding the teddy and cuddling with me on the couch, he put his hand on the top of the bear’s head and began stroking his fur. It was so precious. After all his kicking and wiggling and screaming that he didn't want to go to bed, it was adorable to see him comforting his little teddy bear like that. Then, of course, I ruined the moment by picking him up to put him in bed, and he returned to his kicking and flailing and screaming and such. *sigh* Oh well. Thus is life.
At 29/3/06 1:57 PM,
katiescarlet said…
you are a good big sister!
god bless
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