Kitten's Korner

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's Valentine's Day! Isn't it wonderful? The love, the flowers, the having to stay home sick. Yes, 'tis true, I am home sick on Valentine's Day. Actually, it's more like I'm home recuperating from being sick yesterday. I’m healthy, but I wasn’t yesterday and Mom wanted to keep me home to make sure that the fever wasn’t going to come back. So today, I sat in my room watching romance movies and eating chocolate kisses. Oh yeah, the good life. I also had a carnation on my door, but it had no tag identifying the deliverer, so what I’m wondering is, do I have a secret admirer? If I do, he must not know my dad, or he wouldn’t have given me that flower.


  • At 14/2/06 4:49 PM, Blogger katiescarlet said…

    The comment about your Dad made me laugh!

    Happy Valentines Day.

    The best Valentines Day present I ever got came from your parents. They gave me a stuffed panda bear holding balloons with a card that said to a beary special person. I named the bear MJ (your parents weren't married quite yet, it was in college--it's the initials of their last names) and I still have it.
    God bless
    Katie Scarlett


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