Kitten's Korner

Sunday, November 27, 2005

And The Winner Is...

Alright, now that the luck has been wished, I might as well tell you how the Speech competition went.

First off, I was triple entered, which is worse than it sounds. I'm not saying it wasn't fun competing in three different things, but it does get stressful trying to get to each of your rooms, which are usually all the way across the school from each other. You get to your first room, perform, ask to be dismissed, and race to find the next room you need to be in. You have to do this three times in both rounds. It makes you very tired at the end of the day.

In case you were wondering, the three things I competed in were Dramatic Interp., performing a clip from The Boys Next Door, Oral Interp. Of Poetry, and Duo Impromptu, which is where you and a partner are given a topic and a few minutes to prepare, and then you have to come into the room and improvise the whole thing.

And how did I do, you ask? Not as well as I had hoped. I didn't bring home any medals, but I did get second place in one of my poetry rounds! Yay!

So, anyway there it is. Next competition is on Dec. 2, so I have that to look forward to. If I work harder this time, who knows? I could bring home first!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Before each quiz in my US History class, we play a review game where six teams rotate members to answer a multiple choice question. Each question is worth so many points. The person writes their answer on a piece of paper, and if they get it right, that many points are added to their teams score. One of the girls in my class, Ashley, was up and happened to get her question right. This made her very happy. In her excitement she exclaimed, "I didn't even cheat this time!!" Way to go, Ashley.

Speech competitions are tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Confounded Technology

Speech competitions are tomorrow, and I'm not quite finished with my persuasive speech yet. *gulp* I have a reason, but it's not a very good one. Here it goes:

I had my entire thing done except but I didn't have any detail on my sources except the title, so Ms. S (my speech teacher) wanted me to have more information on them (copyright date, is it a book, etc.) I had thought that all my info had been picked up off of the E-Library (an online resource center that the school subscribes to) and so I was madly racing to find the info again so I could add the details that I needed. The thing is, though, I could only find two of the three that I really needed. I looked and looked and looked, but I couldn't find the third source no matter how hard I tried. I searched until my head felt heavy and I couldn't think straight anymore. Filled with rage at the stupid E-Library, I marched into the speech room and wrote in big black letters on the Wall of Fame that I HATED the E-Library. This was totally okay, because the Wall of Fame is actually a sheet of paper Ms. S put up on the wall so we could write whatever we wanted on it.

Anyway, I came home today after staying after school to practice what I had on this speech and my complete Dramatic Interp. with Ms. S ready to search for hours on the internet for something with similar information to that one that I couldn't find so that I could just change the source to the site that I found. So I typed in some keywords on Google, and you wouldn't guess what came up on the first page. The source that I couldn't find on the E-Library. Turns out I didn't get all my sources from the E-Library.

And so, E-Library, I apologize for all the contempt I felt toward you. I'll try to control myself next time. If I feel like it on Monday, I'll erase my mean message to you on the Wall of Fame, but don't count on it.