Kitten's Korner

Monday, January 29, 2007

Kearney Adventures--Day 2

As I'm writing this, the lights are dimming all around. I think I jinxed us last night when I complained about the power not being off long enough to enjoy it. We've had no power all day. It wasn't until 5:30 that we were returned into the world of electricity. We had a really fun day, though. At first, we were all worried because the house had no heat and we couldn't find a hotel to stay in for the night because there were no vacancies. Soon, we found a place at an out-of-the-way inn, but at least it had power. They told us not to come for a few hours so they could clean our rooms, so we were stuck at home. We broke out 'Life Stories' again and played that until people slowly lost interest and then we moved on to lunch. It turned out heat wasn't going to be a problem either because the sun was streaming in through the window. I even shed a few of my five layers because it got kind so warm. After lunch, we sat around in the living room talking, reading, just being together. We also listened to the radio. Mom, not wanting to stay in Kearney long if we weren't going to have power, wanted to go home. However, the interstate exits and a lot of the streets were all closed, so any hope of getting somewhere that wouldn't freeze us out at night was dashed. But at least we were together, so we'd be okay.

I challenged my brother to a game of Risk (which I stomped him at, by the way ^_^) And the others played Cranium. We had just finished our game, and Cranium was about half way done when the lights flickered back on. All of us did our happy dance, and it was literally about 45 seconds until the boys had abandoned the game and turned on the Game Cube. I, sadly, also went to the electronics, but not before cleaning up and only so that I could blog, so I'm not in the wrong…right? >.>; Don't answer that.

Hopefully the power doesn't go out again, but we can only pray. We really don't give those power guys enough credit. We're always thanking the firemen and police a lot of credit. Not that they don't deserve a lot of credit, but you never realize how much power is needed in our society today until you loose it. So thanks, power guys. You all are really great ^_^

As a final note, I'd like to wish a happy New Year to everyone, and I'll see you in '07.


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