Kitten's Korner

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Speech Meet Numero Uno

Today was an up-down kinda day. I'll start from the beginning...

I woke up today at FIVE THIRTY so that I could be at the school on time for the speech meet. I felt nauseous because I'd been up late at the novice meet the previous night and would have like very much to go back to sleep. I ran over my speech, thought I did pretty well for only have having it for a week, and then started to get ready. It went good, except that I had trouble with my hair because the hairspray bottle was being stupid, but I was determined to make it a good day anyway.

At the school that the tournament was being held at, I went over my speech three more times and then was overcome by a HUGE headache. Luckily, Jenn had aspirin, so I was okay in the next half hour, and my stomach ache had gone away, too. That was good.

My first round (there are three rounds and then finals) was bad, but could have been worse. I handed my script to Emma and had her cue me when I forgot my lines, which happened twice. I would freeze and look directly at her, and then the little angel would silently mouth the next word as to not get me in trouble, because I don't think your allowed to have a cue-er.

Second round was fabulous. I did forget one part, but ad libbed until I got back on track, and I got second place for that round! Woo hoo!

I was a mile high until third round came along. I went up, confidant as ever, and started my piece. Half way through, though, I froze. I was totally unable to think of what came next, and this time there was no Emma to save me. I hung my head in defeat and asked the judge if I could look at my script. He was really nice about, didn't make it a big deal. All he put on the ballot was "Don't worry. Mind slips happened. You did great." I got last in that round, but his comment made me feel better.

On the way home, even though none of us made it to finals, we were in high spirits. We sang to the radio at the top of our lungs and laughed and compared scores. I love our speech team. So, with a little spirit lifting from God (that's the only way I can explain being so cheery after my embarrassment at the meet) I had a good day after all. And now it's time to catch up on that sleep...


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