Kitten's Korner

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Monkey Boy Is In Our Kiddie Pool

Today was my second youngest brother, Lemur's, 7th birthday. We went out and bought a new pool so all his friends came over and we had a pool-birthday party! My youngest brother, Bear (3), spent all his time in the pool or in a mud puddle which he had created by bending the edge of the pool down and letting the water run out into the grass. While he was in the pool by himself, he started flinging things out. The rest of us thought it was just dirt or sticks or something of that sort, but we were sadly mistaken. See, he had 'relived himself' in the little kiddie pool and all of it had fallen out of his swimsuit into the water. He was flinging his poo! We all call him a little monkey, but I think that was taking it a bit to the extreme. Poor little Bear thought he was doing a good deed by cleaning out the pool. After all, it was his doody. (ha ha) Dad ended up having to clean off the patio with a shovel. Meanwhile, my dad's friend and I sat and made jokes about it. Fun fun.

Friday, June 17, 2005

100 Things About Me

This seems to be a popular thing to do, so here goes:

1. I love to write stories, but I always have a hard time figuring out how to end them
2. I have the widest variety of friends in the world, from bouncy happy-go-luckies to dark pyroes, but I love them all
3. I love animals of all kinds
4. I don't really have a favorite color because it always changes with my mood
5. I'm into anime (Japanese cartoons)
6. I love Japan: I think it's one of the best countries in the world. Don't ask me why
7. I have eaten squirrel, alligator, and beaver
8. Currently, I am turning the walls of my room into a big collage that screams, "This is me!"
9. I've never kissed a guy before
10. I've had two "binary birthdays" where the date and my age were all made up of 1's and 0's (ex. I was 10 on 10-10-00)
11. I've tried to make my own comic books before, but I found out that if it's really hard for me to draw someone twice and make them look like the same person.
12. Every time I try to paint my nails, they get bumped and messed up before they get a chance to dry
13. I start picking at my nail polish the day after I apply it
14. I'm a habitual nail biter, but I am trying to get over it
15. I love movies of all kinds
16. I have recently gotten very interested in Broadway musicals
17. I want to be a writer when I grow up (just have to work on those endings...)
18. I want to act on Broadway someday
19. I want my first real kiss to be on my wedding day
20. I love the Final Fantasy games, even though I've only ever played one of them (FFX) I've watched my friends play some of the other ones, and they all look fun
21. My cell phone that my grandma got me for Christmas is only used to play Tetris most of the time because no one ever calls me. That might be because it's never on, but hey, I only have so many minutes!
22. I play keyboard in my church's youth group worship team
23. I won second place in a math competition that I didn't even know I was in
24. I'm not going to date until I'm 18
25. It was going to be 17, but my parents made me make it higher
26. I want to find a guy that shares my faith (preferably, his will be stronger) before I date
27. My favorite comic book characters are Batman, Spiderman, and a number of the X-men, including Wolverine and Nightcrawler
28. I like cherry flavored things
29. I believe that the kind of perfume you wear tells a little bit about who you are or how you are feeling that day
30. I don't wear perfume because it gives my mom headaches
31. I think my dad is cool
32. My mom has the best ideas for parties ever
33. I'm a HUGE goodie goodie, but thankfully my friends still love me
34. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp because of how amazingly well he acts and because even so, he doesn't stand in the limelight and worship himself. Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT because of how he looks
35. My second favorite actor is Nicholas Cage because of how his voice when he acts so low and quiet, but at the same time so full of emotion
36. Cinnamon is one of my favorite scents
37. I played one of the three wise men in a comical Christmas play at my church
38. My character was named Melkyar, and he was the one who brought myrrh
39. The play was called Three Wise Men and a Baby
40. I can 'pop' each of my hands in 20 places
41. Four of my friends and I made a group called the Pentagon, consisting of the five of us
42. The Pentagon was created at a jazz festival the our school jazz band and show choir competed in
43. The show choir won second place that year, and first the next
44. Two of the Pentagon members are in the jazz band, two (including myself) are in the show choir, and one is in both
45. There is only one guy in the Pentagon
46. I love Veggie Tales
47. I can't remember the first Veggie Tales movie I ever watched
48. Before I got really into Veggie Tales, I saw "Larry Boy and the Fib From Outer-space" a billion times and thought for a while that it was the only one that there was
49. The first Veggie Tales movie I ever owned was "Rack, Shack, and Benny"
50. It was a gift from my second cousin
51. I'm a horrible pack rat
52. I have two cats, a grey tabby named Tigger, and a black long hair named Shadow
53. A lot of the stories I write have something to do with animals
54. One of my favorite directors is Tim Burton
55. Another is Steven Spielberg
56. George Lucas used to be one before he made Jar-Jar Binks
57. I really don't like Jar-Jar Binks
58. I like watching Star Wars fan films on
59. I was in the school show choir both years that I could be
60. I played clarinet in 6th and 7th grade
61. I played bass clarinet in 8th grade
62. I'm no longer in band because I decided to drop out
63. My favorite board game is the Series of Unfortunate Events board game. I think it's the funnest thing on the planet
64. I like to say "funnest" instead of "most fun" because it's more fun to say
65. I live with my mom, my dad, and my three younger brothers, Robo (9), Lemur (7), and Bear (3)
66. I have no iPods; however, my dad has 2 (iPod Mini and an iPod Shuffle)
67. I have a giant collection of porcelain dolls
68. Some people think that I forgive too easily
69. It really hard for me to be mad at someone for a long time
70. Most of the time, I'm better at expressing myself with writing then I am with words
71. I volunteer at the local library ever summer
72. I have a friend in Brazil who was a foreign exchange student that lived with my G-ma and G-pa
73. My next-door neighbor is 100 years old
74. When alone in my room, I pose and dance in front of my mirror (but doesn't everybody do that?)
75. I was born with deep "cuts" in my tongue
76. They really gross out my friend, Kat
77. My bedroom is yellow with white trim
78. My only 'real' job so far in my life has been baby-sitting
79. I find pleasure in alphabetizing things
80. I play Jesus in a human video that a group from my church competed with in a Christian festival
81. We got invited to nationals, even though we technically didn't get enough points to qualify
82. I love to work movie quotes into conversations
83. My mom doesn't like it when I do that all the time
84. Jelly beans are my favorite candy
85. I was foolish enough to try a grass flavored Harry Potter jellybean once
86. The gross aftertaste was in my mouth all that day and the next (gag!)
87. My favorite M&M's are the peanut ones
88. My favorite chocolate are the afore mentioned M&M's and Reeseā€™s Peanut-butter cups
89. I like chocolate regular, but I don't really care fore it as far as ice cream and stuff like that go
90. The first time I met who was to be one of my best friends ever, I punched her in the gut, knocking the wind out of her (I'll explain in the next entry)
91. I really like fireflies
92. I've been shot at by illegal fireworks before
93. I've almost drowned before
94. I've been to Epcot in Disney World twice
95. I'm a major drama queen
96. Some people have told me I'm weird. Go figure
97. I've seen Finding Nemo about 108 times (give or take)
98. I recently found out that a guy I've been going to church with for about a year is my cousin
99. My G-ma called me Duke before I was born because she was positive I was going to be a guy
100. My mom's water broke when she was pregnant with me in the movie theater. She, dad and a few of her friends were watching Fantasia

I want to add just one more

101. The guy at the theater gave Mom and Dad the Fantasia movie poster afterward. It was hung over my crib and is now somewhere in the attic

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Ain't I Lucky?

It's times like these that make me thankful that I'm still a kid, in a matter of speaking. Normally I don't consider myself a kid unless it'll get me out of something I don't want to do. But that's beside the point.

It is summer vacation, and that means that I have three entire months for my brain to be shut down; however, for my parents and it means that they just have all the responsibility of the school year, plus the play that my mom is directing, plus my younger brothers are running around the house with their friends and causing chaos! All this stress is making them look like they're going to explode! I'm helping out as much as I can, but even so, they're pretty worn out by the end of the day.

Isn't it great being a kid?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Moon

Well, here I am. Back home. My rollercoaster-less...beach-less...home. (bursts into tears) I want to go back to Florida!!!!!!!!!

No, but really, I am glad to be home. Florida was a lot of fun (even though I almost lost my voice from screaming on all the rides) but I missed my family. It was kind of an interesting trip, though. The first day we got there, our bus driver (she said not to call her that because "bus drivers drive cheese busses". We were in a charter bus. I can't remember what she told us to call her, though) informed us that it was, coincidentally, the first day of hurricane season. Everyday we were there except for the day we left it was cloudy and/or raining. I had a fun time, anyway.

Strangely enough, this trip was a huge spiritual stepping-stone for me. The whole trip, my few of my friends were in a fight (it happens so often with me, I've gotten used to it). Anyway, the fight escaladed to horrid heights and deeply hurt everyone involved. During all this, though, I was deep in prayer. I didn't understand what was going on or why it was happening, but I found my trusting God to help me through it. He's doing all this for a reason, and even thought I don't know what it is, I trust Him with everything I am that it's the right thing. He's been so good to me; I have no reason to turn away now.

Something similar to all this happened a year ago, and I got me thinking. Being fascinated by the moon, I often gaze up at it at night. Like many, I love it when it's full, and can't wait for the new moon to pass. Once I really thought about it, I found that that was exactly like life. The full moon is like the good times in our life. The times we want to live forever. As the moon goes through its cycles, different amounts of life and dark enter and leave, just like the good and bad times sometimes mix. Finally, there is the new moon, that time in our lives when everything seems to go wrong. Many people feel like just giving up, as I did last year; however, that is not the right choice. No matter what, no matter how long it takes or what the situation is, the moon always goes back to being full. The darkness may last for days, months, or even years, but the moon always goes back to being full: things always will get better. After the fight with my friends a year ago, we became closer than we had ever been before. The hard stuff seemed to last forever, but, in the end, the wait was worth it.

God promised us that he would never dish out anything that we couldn't handle. Sure it would be hard, but it strengthens us. I am just going to have to hang on and see what happens next. How will this new fight end, I don't know, but whatever it is, I know I can handle it with His help.