2 1/2
That, my friends, is the number of days left of my freshman year of high school!!! Yay! It's not the end of this year's schooling, however, for I will be taking Japanese lessons at one of the nearby colleges. On top of that, I might be getting a job at the library. Now, I know what you're thinking. "The library? What a loser!" But I'll have you know that our library is awesome. I have been volunteering and helping with the children's programs since I was in grade school! (I started with helping with the story-time puppet shows and moved up from there) I know almost every librarian, and one of them was friends with my parents when they were in college. She even has a baby picture of me on her desk. I really hope I get this job. It'll be so awesome to actually get to work in my little piece of heaven! I don't find out until Tuesday, though, so wish me luck!